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Terms and conditions oddelovac

Public use of photographs from this source is a subject to license payment.
Contractual penalty for unauthorized use of each photo is 200 EUR


Non-public use of photographs - voluntary payment

Only private use of photos is allowed (no internet use).
Photos may also be used for study and teaching purposes (but no internet use).

Any voluntary contribution will be highly appreciated (payment options are listed below).


Public use of photos - Price list

License RM-S - 25 EUR - One-time license for any image use up to print size A5/312 cm2
(books, magazines, information boards, brochures, leaflets, and alike).

License RF-A4 - 40 EUR – Permanent license for any image use up to print size A4/624 cm2
As a bonus, this license also includes the possibility of digital use of the photos (RF-CW).

License RF-L - 80 EUR– License for unlimited usage of the photo in terms of time, space and content.

License RF-CW - 20 EUR - Permanent license for image use on the internet, electronic media, public presentation, etc.


Options for licence purchase

(no invoicing)

Download the online photo(s). Multiple the price of the selected licence by the ID of photos which you intend to use. Pay the calculated price - payment options are listed below. When wiring payment, please note also your name and/or other identification data as well as the ID of the selected photos and their licences.

Standard (invoice will be issued)

Email us the order to: naturfoto@naturfoto.cz. List the names and ID of the selected photographs, requested licence(s), and also your invoicing data (personal name or the name of your institution, address, and VAT number.

Digital photos and the invoice will be emailed to you as soon as possible (maximum 48 hours).


Payment options:

1.) Bank trasfer:

Account number: 1059450 / 0300
IBAN: CZ04 0300 0000 0000 0105 9450

2.) Via PayPal or by payment card:
Our e-mail for payment via PayPal: payment@naturfoto.cz

3.) QR payment: download QR code



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